Franks zauberhafte Holzkunst


Nice that you have found my website. I am Frank, the rose carver and here, I present you the spectrum of my work in my gallery . The pieces on my sales page are available for purchase.

Generally, commissions are possible. However, I feel most comfortable when my finished pieces find an enthusiast, because then I know that the workpiece and price have found the right match. The difficulty with commissions is to determine the different expectations and ideas, and to align them in terms of effort and price. Therefore, I would like to carry out orders only if I can develop a clear idea of what is desired on the one hand and I know on the other hand, within which budget I can move.

If you like something from my gallery that is not in the store, it is entirely possible to make something similar. It will not be exactly the same, as no two pieces of wood are completely alike. So it will always be unique. :)

For purchase inquiries, interest in carving courses, or commissioned work just drop me an email:

Furthermore, sometime in future I will offer carving lessons (in German language!) for wooden spoons as well as ornament carving (notch carving) to interested people. However, this project is currently still in planning.